The River Ridge Community Development District is a local, special-purpose government entity authorized by Chapter 190 of the Florida Statutes as amended, and established on November 9, 1996 by Lee County Ordinance No. 96-02 as an alternative method of planning, acquiring, operating and maintaining community-wide improvements in planned communities.
To review your outstanding capital assessment balances, please visit AJC Associates, Inc and initiate a Data Search.
What's New?
- Conservation Area – Do and Don’t List
- Community Newsletter
- Long Range Infrastructure Plan 2024-2029
- Hurricane & Tropical Storm Emergency Plan
- Leased Irrigation System
- River Ridge 2022 Landscape Plan
- Stormwater Systems in Your Neighborhood
- Florida Yards & Neighborhoods Brochure
- River Ridge CDD GIS Map
- Policy for Street Trees within District Easements
Board Meetings
Meeting held at:
River Club Conference Center, Sound Room (Second Floor of Fitness Center) 4784 Pelican Sound Boulevard, Estero, Florida 33928.
If you should notice someone dumping or draining foreign material into our lakes, wetland or drain pipes, please contact the Lee County Hot-line: 239-533-9400 [Request for Action]
House hold Chemical, Waste Disposal
For information regarding House hold Chemical, Waste Disposal, please contact: Topaz Facility, 6441 Topaz Court, Ft. Myers, M-F: 8-5 and every first Saturday of the month 8-12 noon (except holidays)